
A beautiful and simple financial dashboard that educates while reporting.
What we did

StrategyUX & UI DesignDevelopmentVisual Design

Whole Net Worth is a platform that’s about to revolutionise the way people think about finances and investments. It consists of three parts, of which Periscope is one.

Periscope allows Whole Net Worth users to determine their Risk Profile Parameters which in turn determine the optimal mix of their assets. Next to this simulation, Periscope gives insight into each clients Risk Profile Allocation, the Risk Management and access to all necessary key documents.

It’s a beautiful and simple dashboard to manage one’s wealth.


The main challenge with creating dashboards is to provide the data to the customer in the most clear and insightful manner. Especially with graphs, it’s crucial that a user can scan and understand the context of the graph immediately.

The second challenge was deciding on which parameters we would make interactive for the client to experiment with, as this could have a drastic impact on both the insights and the perception of the clients.

don’t just take our word for it

“Born Digital’s grasp of my project's essence has been extraordinary. They've demonstrated exceptional transparency, dedication and deep expertise throughout the collaboration.”

Philippa Huckle

Philippa Huckle

CEO Aria Forum


We choose a very warm, inviting, personal style for the Whole Net Worth platform, which helps making the user feel at ease and comforting as opposed to the often distant and tech-driven feel of most fintech products.

To solve the interactivity issue, we created multiple prototypes which were tested on customers to evaluate the message and insights they got from manipulating a specific set of controls. This thought us that only allowing 1 interactive parameter, the tolerance for potential drawdown, resulted in the correct insight.